Spinning out of control

Welcome to the retro look at Poohsden! I have long been wanting to change the colors but finally got around doing it over the weekend.

Owning a home teaches one so many things, and one such thing we learned about ourselves is that we love the retro blue and brown combo! We have incorporated the lovely coffee brown shade into all our rooms and we love it! And the blog does look different!

The banner photo was taken by R at the rodeo (more rodeo pics here). It is the lights in one of fast spinning rides at the carnival. Kind of retro and very close to the speed our lives are moving. We seem to be always in the middle of action, weekday or weekend, day or night. Mainly coz we love it that way and we would be lost otherwise.

Here's to more posts from the new spinning out of control and retro looking Poohsden!

ps: If there are any glitches, links that don't work, fonts too small to read, or anything else please let me know.