The secret behind the smile on our faces

Things at Poohsden is moving at a remarkable speed, new friends, new attempts and new failures that accompany. We are excited with everything that is happening.. and as we race against time, let the wind mess up the hair, there is a perpetual, content smile.

Being content in life is something that is under-rated, unlike some other feelings in the world. Being content is not easy, it takes a lot to be grateful for everything we have, every minute we live, every second we breathe. And yes it is worth every bit of it.

The weekend was a perfect one! So much laughter, so much learning, so much accomplishments - minor ones but still special. The world seems so much nicer when weekends give rise to contentment. We did not sleep in, did not party all night but we did small things that made us happy!

Life is something in the air? is it summer? or something else totally.... might be... may be it is just the countdown to visit loved ones in India making our lives seem perfect! A couple of weeks more at work and then we are off home... what more do you need to make life perfect and content?


Kavi said...

Heyy !!! Welcome back here. Let me know if you are touching Mumbai anytime. Will be more than glad to look you up or be of any help !

Or you could consider making a trip out here...! You have a home to live in !

Vinitha said...

Thanks for the offer Kavi. We are sticking to good ole Tamil Nadu this time. We will be shuttling between Madras, Trichy and Madurai. Mumbai is not even in the radar for this year... Bangalore we r debating about it still.