Of Rains and Whys

I watch the sheets of rain slash down the busy lunch hour crowd... Car wipers working overtime, the roll of thunder, hovering crowd of people caught by the unexpected summer shower, a few honking cars, the darkening sky ......

It makes me gloomy! Why I wonder? Why do I find rains depressing on certain days? Why do the incidences pushed to the back of the mind come forefront on certain rainy days like today? Why do I feel disappointed and let down? Why do I not yearn to run out into the summer rains I love and get drenched? Instead why do I sit here moping and typing random stuff? Why do I let the growling thunder create an unrest within me like a earthquake opening up things long forgotten? Why does the water droplets on the tree leaves seem like the leaves are crying? Why does the distorted reflection of the headlights of the car on a puddle of water on the road seem like distorted thoughts on my mind?

Why I wonder? Me the one who loves rains..... the human mind...

So does rains depress you or do they cheer you?

This reminds me of a small incident in school that stuck with me through the years. Bored high school kids around the world sitting through a rather boring history class find tons of fascinating happenings through the classroom window. Anything was a valid enough reason to turn towards the window. The rain being a cheerful event. And often most teachers would find the entire class turning towards the window at the outset of rains. Seems stupid today but it was a fun thing to do those days. And one rather creative teacher, stopped in the middle of a rather boring lecture with 50 odd students trying hard to hide their yawns and said, "Flash news: It is raining, turn to your right take a look and then let us get back to our lecture" It lightened the room better than the lightening on the skies that day!

A memory that stuck with me.. I wonder why?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for asking Pooh :) I am fine. Just got a lil busy. To comment on ur post....I hate the rains. Makes me feel very depressed...that includes the cloudy days without a drop of rain :( You school incident brought back memories from my own school days.During 6th std we had our class in the basement. It used to get flooded cos of the rains.Got a few holidays thanks to the rains :)

Kavi said...

Its been raining all day here. For the last two three days now !! And its been so refreshing.

Wonder why my mind is working so ?!?

Vinitha said...

Rains bring out really different emotions! Today I had such a wonderful time watching the rain fall while on phone with a good friend...

Courtney said...

Lately all the rain in Houston has been making me happy because of my new garden. More rain = more (free) watering = healthy plants!

Anonymous said...

Rain may be calm down the aggression if not cheers me...