Celebrations all over...

And you can now call V a Master. After 15 months of research, classes and 2 hours of facing the firing squad she has added the second degree behind her name. And yes this was keeping us really really busy the past few months and now that the defense is done, we are breathing a sigh of relief. And it is right in time for Deepavali! It is time to light the lamps, enjoy the display of fireworks, taste the treats and savor times spent with family and friends.

As we did the previous years, we are planning a party on Friday. Time to spend with friends, make merry and enjoy. We are looking forward to catching up with old friends, make new friends and enjoy in the warmth Deepavali seems to bring.

But we miss Deepavali’s in India, the mad rush for shopping the latest fashions, the smell of ghee in the air, the smog caused by the cracker fumes, the smell of chemicals as the fireworks go off, the times spent with family and visiting friends. Back home in India, we really followed no special rituals for Deepavali other than a simple prayer and good food. And still Deepavali was so special because of the anticipation of the day off, the thrill of new clothes, the yummy foods, the times spent laughing with family and visiting friends. The week before Deepavali coming home every evening was a treat in itself. You never know what goodies will be there to welcome us. Gulub jamuns one day, murkku the other, mixture, bholi, chocolate… all things loved and yummy! It was time for feasting and enjoying.

We try hard to recreate the magic of Deepavali here in Houston but somehow it just gets lost inspite of homemade gulub jamuns and color kolams. And every year we promise we will try to go to India during Deepavali and this year will be no different. And now coming to the yummy Deepavali sweets, V plans to make gulub jamuns and time permitting some murruku. Yummy treats with recipes handed down from grandmother. As close as we can get to an Indian Deepavali.

And to everyone dropping in to Pooh’s Den, we hope you have a wonderful Deepavali filled with family, fun, memories and happiness!


Swathika said...

Hey Pooh!

Happy Deepavali to you and to your family!!! I have something for you in my blog and I am sure you will remember everything that I have shared there cos we lived in the same paradise once upon a time.

Kavi said...

Congratulations to V on the masters ! It is significant indeed !

wonderdul post on the Deepawali back here ! You suddenly make remember ! Great celebration wishes for you
